“We have had plumbing issues for 5 years and multiple plumbing companies have blamed it on the pump grinder or the inability to gain the fall to allow gravity to move the waste to the street. The cost has been $12K in repairs during that time frame and the problem would always surface again in 4-6 months. We paid for cameras, snaking, pressure hosing all to no avail. Finally, we had Dependable Service come and take a look. The technician was Braxton Killmer and he patiently listened to me describe each plumbing repair activity that took place over the past 5 years. I then watched him as he inspected the bathroom, the laundry room, and all the sinks. He then went outside and inspected the pump grinder to ensure it was turning on. He then did something that no previous plumber had ever done. He inspected the PVC waste line running from the grinder to the house. As he dug back the dirt, he found small roots running alongside the waste line. As he pulled away the roots water started to fill the area, and he discovered roots had broken into the waste line. He cut through the PVC line and was able to pull out a fully intact 2-foot section of roots that had made a home in the waste line. You could see grooves in the bundle of roots where snakes had pushed away just enough roots to allow the line to flush through and give us another 4-6 months until the problem resurfaced again. I cannot say enough about how impressed I am with Braxton and the root cause analysis that he performed on resolving our plumbing nightmare. He demonstrated true customer focus and a desire to finally fix the problem we had been experiencing for so many years! Braxton has convinced this customer that Dependable Service and specifically Braxton will be the only company and technician handling our plumbing needs in the future!”

– Scott C.